
Make Appropriate Vision and Plan of Action to Run a Business


  • Unit No: 32
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 3 / Words 798
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1022
Brief :
Organization Selected : Tesla


You have been hired as a trainee Strategic Planning Manager of Tesla company that has at least 250 employees. With the help of well-known internal and external analytical tools and taking into account the expansion and growth goals of the company, your line manager has asked you to create an environmental analysis and a strategic growth management plan. You are required to draft a strategic plan using well-known internal and external analytical tools and taking into account the expansion and growth goals of the company.

A strategic plan must be developed based on the environmental analysis.

Grading Criteria

Learning Outcome




LO1 Evaluate the factors of a macro environment which affects and influence the organisation.

P1: Refer an appropriate framework in order to examine the organisation's macro environment.  

M1: You have to determine and inform the strategic management decision by analysing the macro environment.  

D1: Analyse and interpret data and information using environmental and competitive analysis to develop a set of legitimate strategic goals, objectives, and tactical steps.

LO2 Evaluate an internal environment and capabilities of an organisation.

P2 with the help of appropriate frameworks you are required to examine the internal environment and capabilities of an organisation.

M2 Critically study an internal environment in order to measure the strengths & weaknesses of an organization's internal culpableness structure and skill set

LO3 Assess and refer the result of analysis with the help of Porter's five forces model to a granted market sector.

P3 Use Porter's five forces model and measure the competitive forces of a market sector of an organization

M3: Contrive suitable strategies to enhance competitive edge & market position supported on the results.

LO4 Utilize models, theories and concepts in order to support the learnings and analysis of strategic directions addressable to an organisation.

P4 Refer a scope of theories, concepts and models, explain and contrive strategic planning of an organisation.

M4: Render the strategic management plan which has real and tactical strategic plan of action and objectives.

For producing an effective   report, you are required to look upon this learning outcomes.

LO1 Analyse the impact that an organization has on the larger environment. A brief profile of your chosen organization, including its mission, vision, and goals, is required in this report.  After that, you should use the right frameworks to look at the big picture of the environment. Critically measure the larger environment which can also help you to make strategic management decisions.

LO2 Measure an organisation's internal environment and capabilities. An organization's success or failure can be determined by its internal environment, just like its external environment. Analyse the capabilities and internal environment of your chosen organization by employing appropriate frameworks. You can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen internal capabilities, structure, and skill set by critically analysing the internal environment.

LO3 Examine & refer the results of an analysis using Porter's Five Forces model to a given market sector.  You must consider the porter's five forces model and evaluate the competitive forces for the chosen organisation. Based on the analysis and evaluation you are required to propose a strategy in order to enhance the competitive edge and market position of an organisation.

LO4 Refer models, theories and concepts to support the understandings and evaluation of strategic directions accessible to the chosen organisation. You are asked to refer to the models for interpretation and to provide the strategic planning as per your opted organisation. For this you can use the porter's generic strategies and the Bowman's extended model of strategy in your report. You have to furnish a strategic management plan which will help in the organisation's survival in future competitive market.

You might also critically explain the content from both the external & internal environment and data, apply an environmental and competitive analysis in order to make a set of valid strategic directions, objective and tactical actions.

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